For seller

Digital Rockstars

Our Digital Rockstars Marketplace has been instrumental in the success of over 400 sellers. With an annual return of 40 million dollars, we are industry leaders in white label and micro label software, available in over 10 languages and in more than 10 countries.

EXPLORE Digital Rockstars
LLM Translation and review

LanguAI Enterprise

LanguAI is one of our flagship products. It is the world's first LLM with neural features based on translation AI and a network of over 300 native speakers, ensuring maximum accuracy in product translation.

Trustread+ Advertorials

Based on Quallium

A recent study revealed that 87% of all advertorials contain the following elements: poor content, poor landing pages, and poor optimization. Companies from all over the world are placing their complete trust in magazine names, not in perfect converting content. With our Trustread+ technology and in-page optimization, we are achieving a 5% conversion rate from an advertorial. On Simple Domains and with 60% lower costs.